If you want to live longer, be healthy, and look amazing, you need to understand macros and take them into account when you make food choices. Each of them has an essential role in our body. Personally, I am not a promoter of excluding an entire big macronutrient group from your diet (such as the keto diet that reduces the number of carbs to a very small number).



✅Protein is present in your muscles, bones, skin, and even your hair.

✅Muscles need protein to grow, but protein is also essential to help you maintain your current muscle lass.

✅Protein also keeps hunger in place and it’s directly responsible for the feeling of ‘fullness.

✅To build muscle, you need at least 1.5 g - 2g / body weight kg. If you’re not doing any sports, to stay healthy you need at least 1g/ body weight kg.

👉Some foods that are high in protein:
• 100 g Chicken (no skin) = ~30 gr of protein
• 100 g Fish = ~25 g
• 150g Greek Yogurt (standard size) = ~15 g
• Protein Shake: 1 scoop 30 g Whey + 250 g Milk = ~ 30 g
• 100 g Tofu= ~ 15 g
• 100 g Lentil (uncooked) = ~ 25 g


✅Important! You should not be afraid of fat. That’s actually good for your body if not eaten excessively.
✅Fat also helps you absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K, the so-called fat-soluble vitamins.
✅Fat regulates your hormones which ultimately play an important role in keeping your motivation high. You need at least one gram of fat/kg.
✅FACT! Fat has 9 calories per gram, more than 2 times the number of calories in carbohydrates and protein, which each have 4 calories per gram.

👉Some healthy foods that are high in fat:
• Avocado
• All nuts (cashew, peanuts, pecan nuts, almonds, etc.)
• Peanut Butter
• Tofu
• Eggs
• Seeds (chia, flax, sunflower, etc.)

ALL ABOUT Carbohydrates

✅Their dominant role is that they provide energy. You need energy to perform well during your workouts and to get through the day.
✅There’s no specific number of carbs required that you need to meet.
✅I strongly recommend replacing simple carbs with complex carbs. Complex carbs pack in more nutrients than simple carbs. They’re higher in fiber and digest more slowly. This also makes them more filling. Essentially, complex carbs are healthy, simple carbs are not that healthy.

👉some Foods that are high in carbs:
• Grains: bread, pasta, rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.

• Potatoes

•Beans: red beans, black beans, chickpeas, peas, etc.

• All the sugary foods and sweets (chocolate, chips, cookies, waffles, pancakes, candies, etc.)

• Fruits

•Legumes and vegetables

• Examples of complex carbs: oats, brown rice, white or sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, chickpeas, quinoa, lentils, green peas, etc.

The general guidance that I ask all my clients to follow is this one: the diet must be balanced, varied, high in protein, low in fat, moderate in carbs; it must include all groups of foods. 


